How the ELF Ruined Christmas


Alessandro Di Federico, Amat Cama, Yan Shoshitaishvili, Christopher Kruegel, Giovanni Vigna


Proceedings of the Symposium on the 24th USENIX Security, August 2015


  title     = {{How the ELF Ruined Christmas}},
  author    = {Federico, Alessandro Di and Cama, Amat and Shoshitaishvili, Yan and Kruegel, Christopher and Vigna, Giovanni},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the Symposium on the 24th USENIX Security},
  month     = {August},
  year      = {2015},
  address   = {Washington, D.C.},
  isbn      = {978-1-931971-23-2},
  pages     = {643--658},
  publisher = {USENIX Association},
  url       = {}